How to have Tensorflow2 working on MacOS M1 and manage your libs effectively using pyenv and virtualenv

C. J. Kepinsky
3 min readJul 27, 2022

Short Intro

Last few months I’ve been developing myself in the field of Machine Learning and recently I dove into Deep Learning. Unfortunately, there was a wall I hit painfully, as Tensorflow doesn’t natively support M1 chipset.

So, I spent dozens of hours trying out many different tutorials on how to fix that, which made my OS messy and problematic to manage (I’m looking at you, Anaconda). And then I learnt about pyenv and after few more hours — got it all fully manageable, clean, easy to re-install and working. Almost like NPM for javascript projects 🙂

In the following solution I assumed you are using MacOS Monterey v12.4 with M1 chipset and also that you have Homebrew installed.

How to

Let’s create a new folder, for instance: tensorflow-test and in that folder, create a script with the following content:

brew install pyenv
pyenv install 3.9.13
pyenv global 3.9.13
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
ipython kernel install --name "env" --user
pip install tensorflow-macos tensorflow-metal jupyter pandas matplotlib seaborn sklearn plotly babyplots xgboost

Now, run the script using the following command:

chmod +rx ./

This may take a while, depending on your internet speed. The result for me looks like this (might be a bit different than yours, as I already have some tools installed):

Now, if you don’t see (env) to the left of your login then you need to repeat this:

source env/bin/activate

Now, you can test if everything works:

which python
virtualenv at work

As you can see, your python installation lies in tensorflow-test/env folder, which is veeery expected 🙂

Now, let’s quickly test if tensorflow is really working:

python -c "import tensorflow as tf;tf.test.gpu_device_name();tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU')"
running tensorflow commands

No issues with importing tensorflow and as the response you should get something similar to what’s above — the line marked in red means tensorflow-metal was able to recognize the GPU of your Macbook.


That’s all! Quick and dirty 🙂 That way you can have different python environments with different libs configured for different projects and you can utilize the Macbook’s GPU as well. Nice 🙂

That’s all! Quick and dirty 🙂 That way you can have different python environments with different libs configured for different projects. Nice 🙂

If you have any questions, opinions or you see a mistake — please mention it in the comments below.

If I have more time then I will add few words about using Tensorflow in Jupyter notebook.




C. J. Kepinsky

Works professionally as a software engineer since 2002. Pragmatist. Loves family, meditation, nature and tech news.