All-time Sci-fi Comedy Gems I enjoy watching again and why

Someone asked me recently what are the sci-fi comedies I love the most — at that moment I was able to say just “Idiocracy”, pity me, there’s so much more to it. I won’t list films like Iron Man, Man in Black, Spider Man, Back To The Future, Spaceballs or Star Trek — because everyone watched them. I will talk these less knows pearls hidden in the sea of herrings starting from my most beloved.

C. J. Kepinsky
7 min readJul 21, 2023

Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy

Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy

This one I love religiously, books and the film. What for? “Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy” is a film brimming with humor, absurd situations, and unique characters that takes the viewer on a cosmic journey full of surprises. While the adaptation of Douglas Adams’ cult book isn’t literal, it certainly captures the spirit of the original.

The film tells the story of Arthur Dent, an average Englishman, who one day finds out that his best friend Ford Prefect is an alien, and Earth is to be destroyed to make way for a cosmic highway. Yep, you heard it. Arthur and Ford embark on an extraordinary journey across the galaxy, using the titular “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”.

What makes this film so special? First and foremost, it’s how it blends humor with philosophy. “Hitchhiker’s Guide” is full of jokes that make you think while also entertaining you. The film is also packed with unforgettable characters, such as the depressive robot Marvin or the eccentric Galactic President Zaphod Beeblebrox.

One of the film’s biggest strengths is its originality. “Hitchhiker’s Guide” is not your typical science fiction film. It’s more of a satire of the genre that also pays homage to it. The film is full of unexpected plot twists, absurd situations, and ingenious solutions that make watching it a real pleasure.

Still waiting for part 2…

Iron Sky part 1, 2 and 3

Iron Sky

“Iron Sky”, its sequel “Iron Sky: The Coming Race” and third part “Invasion” are all films that revel in their own absurdity and audacious premises, making for a truly unique cinematic experience.

“Iron Sky” is a 2012 Finnish-German-Australian comic-science-fiction action film that tells the story of a group of Nazi Germans who, having been defeated in 1945, fled to the Moon where they built a space fleet to return in 2018 and conquer Earth. The film is a satirical take on the themes of political and social issues, cleverly wrapped in the guise of a science fiction comedy. It’s a film that doesn’t take itself too seriously, and that’s where it shines the most. The humor is dark and the satire sharp, making for a thoroughly entertaining watch.

“Iron Sky: The Coming Race”, the sequel, takes the absurdity even further. The survivors of the nuclear war in the first movie now live in a former Nazi base on the moon and discover that the center of the Earth is… hollow and what they find inside is to be checked by you. The film continues the satirical tone of the first, poking fun at conspiracy theories and pop culture. It’s a wild ride that, like the first film, revels in its own ridiculousness.

As you already imagined part 3 of the series pushes the limits even further, it does it with style and… Roar! But I won’t tell you the story, so if you enjoy offbeat humor built on conspiracy theories and don’t mind a healthy dose of absurdity these are sure to entertain.



“Idiocracy” is a satirical science fiction comedy that offers a biting commentary on the state of modern society. Directed by Mike Judge, the mind behind “Office Space” and “Beavis and Butt-Head”, the film presents a dystopian future where human intelligence has diminished, and stupidity reigns supreme.

The film follows the story of Joe Bauers (played by Luke Wilson), an average American who is selected by the Pentagon for a top-secret hibernation program. He wakes up 500 years in the future to find a society so dumbed down that he’s the smartest person alive. The film uses this premise to satirize a variety of social issues, including consumerism, corporatism, and anti-intellectualism.

“Idiocracy” is known for its humor, which is often crude but also incredibly sharp. It’s a film that makes you laugh while also making you think, and its social commentary is as relevant today as it was when the film was released.

One of the standout aspects of “Idiocracy” is its world-building. The future society it presents is absurd and exaggerated, but it’s also detailed and thoughtfully constructed. From the fast food hospital to the energy drink irrigation system, every aspect of this future world serves to highlight the absurdity of the society we live in today.

Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning

Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning

“Star Wreck” is a series of Finnish Star Trek parody movies that started in 1992. The series culminated in “Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning” in 2005, which is a feature-length film that gained international fame for its quality and the fact that it was produced by a small group of enthusiasts with a very limited budget.

The film is a parody of both Star Trek and Babylon 5 series, featuring characters and spaceships from both. The story revolves around Captain Pirk, a parody of Captain Kirk, who finds himself stranded on 21st century Earth. With the help of Info, a parody of Spock, and Dwarf, a parody of Worf, he plans to create a new space fleet and conquer the universe.

“Star Wreck” is known for its humor, which is often based on the absurdity of the situations and the characters’ over-the-top reactions. The film also includes numerous references and in-jokes for fans of Star Trek and Babylon 5, making it a must-watch for fans of these series.

Despite its limited budget, the film features impressive special effects and production design. The creators’ passion for the project is evident in every frame, making it a testament to what can be achieved with dedication and creativity.

(T)Raumschiff Surprise: Periode 1

(T)Raumschiff Surprise: Periode 1

“(T)Raumschiff Surprise: Periode 1” is a German sci-fi parody film that humorously reimagines popular science fiction franchises like Star Trek and Star Wars. Directed by Michael Herbig, the film is celebrated for its slapstick humor, exaggerated characters, and clever wordplay.

The storyline follows the crew of the spaceship Surprise as they journey back in time to thwart the colonization of Earth by the aggressive Mars Regulator. The crew, including the flamboyant Captain Kork, the logical Mr. Spuck, and the fearless Schrotty, deliver a wealth of laughs with their extravagant performances and comedic antics.

“(T)Raumschiff Surprise: Periode 1” is a film that revels in its own silliness, making it a standout in the genre. It’s packed with absurd situations, hilarious dialogue, and a generous sprinkling of silliness. The film also includes numerous nods to other sci-fi movies, making it a delightful watch for fans of the genre.

Despite its comedic focus, the film doesn’t skimp on production values, boasting well-crafted sets and special effects that enhance its appeal.



“Bigbug” is a film that blends elements of comedy and science fiction to create a unique cinematic experience. The film is set in the near future where artificial intelligence has become a part of everyday life.

The story revolves around a group of neighbours who find themselves trapped in their smart home by their domestic robots. As they try to regain control, they must navigate a series of hilarious and absurd situations.

“Bigbug” stands out for its satirical take on our dependence on technology and the potential pitfalls of artificial intelligence. The film uses humor and absurdity to highlight the potential consequences of giving too much control to machines.

Despite its comedic tone, “Bigbug” also offers some thought-provoking commentary on the role of technology in our lives, making it a film that’s both entertaining and insightful.

Galaxy Quest

Galaxy Quest

“Galaxy Quest” is a film that parodies classic science fiction series like “Star Trek” with great acclaim and humor. The direction of Dean Parisot and the screenplay by Robert Gordon together create a work full of warmth, humor, and amazing space adventures. It starts with a story of the cast of the defunct television series “Galaxy Quest”, who are forced to return to their roles and then… they are abducted by real aliens.

“Galaxy Quest” is a film that entertains and delivers emotions. Its strength lies in the perfect balance between parody and homage to the science fiction genre. The film is full of witty references to “Star Trek” and other classic series and sci-fi films, which will certainly be appreciated by fans of the genre.

That’s all for now, hopefully you found something to watch tonight and if you know any other good comedy of that kind, please share in the comments!

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C. J. Kepinsky

Works professionally as a software engineer since 2002. Pragmatist. Loves family, meditation, nature and tech news.